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Good things come to those who wait, but do they?

Writer: Debbie MynettDebbie Mynett

I’m sure you’re familiar with the saying, “good things come to those who wait”…

Well, in business, as in life, that is not necessarily the case. So while being patient is an important virtue, it does not always serve us.

It’s confession time – I’ve been playing small these last 12 months. It was not a conscious decision. I’m owning it and not making excuses, but I attribute some of it to a Covid “hangover”. I had unknowingly settled into my stay-at-home comfort zone and didn’t possess the drive to step outside it.

This mindset does not bode well for business or personal growth and is something I will rectify in 2023.

If I were to make a bold goal, it would be smashing my comfort zone, which I have happily embraced for 55 years.

Do I actively seek ways to put myself out there? Hell no! But sitting in the wings waiting for things to happen won’t serve me or my business. So now is the time to get over it and have a crack.

I’m working on a couple of projects that will benefit other small business owners and me, and I will do my utmost to make them happen. Exciting times indeed.

Ready, set, let’s go.

BRING ON 2023. It's going to be the best year yet!



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ABN: 41 554 679 141    Phone: 0414 831 115

Albury Business Connect Member
SEO Nibbles Graduate
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